These are my presentations.
Introduction To WiFi Hacking
Introduction To Wireless Network Vulnerabilities is a gentle introduction to the hardware and software that creates the invisible world of wireless networks.
Introduction To Assembly Language - Part Two
Introduction To Assembly Language part two is the conclusion to my reverse engineering course introduction. This is part two of a multi part educational series on lower level software development and reverse engineering. Many developers and security experts are not familiar with assembly language or the lower levels of their hardware. This course is intended to begin familiarizing you with assembly language in order to build the foundation for future courses on reverse engineering.
Introduction To Mesh Networks
Introduction To Mesh Networks is a gentle introduction to off grid communication, the PirateBox project, and deploying simple hardware to fulfill communication locally without the internet.
Security Discussion - Church - March
A one hour discussion on preparedness, terrorism, and security conducted for my church. I am the preparedness instructor and adviser for my church. We will be discussing terrorism, threats, and recommendations for safety.
Introduction To Love Scams - Supplemental Discussion
Introduction To love scams is a supplemental explanation of how scammers take advantage of individuals who are lonely or otherwise gullible and willing to part with their money in the hopes of acquiring love. The love scammer often preys on a very vulnerable population while pretending to be a type of person that someone may care for. Here are tips on how to spot scammers and their methods.
Introduction To Assembly Language
Introduction To Assembly Language is the introduction to my reverse engineering course. This is part one of a multi part educational series on lower level software development and reverse engineering. Many developers and security experts are not familiar with assembly language or the lower levels of their hardware. This course is intended to begin familiarizing you with assembly language in order to build the foundation for future courses on reverse engineering.
Introduction To Carding - Supplemental Discussion
Introduction To Carding is a supplemental explanation of how credit card based financial crimes are perpetrated. Many individuals involved in carding post freely about how they conduct themselves criminally. This is an introduction to this form of crime for consumers and law enforcement.
Introduction To Firejail, AppArmor, and SELinux
Introduction To Firejail, AppArmor, and SELinux is a two-hour course designed to provide an overview of three major tools that could be deployed on your server or personal computer to enhance security through greater and more granular control over your applications.
Introduction To Secure Computing
Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt, and Disinformation exists around the modern computer processor. Revelations brought about from leaks has left the technology community concerned about what is being integrated into their hardware and what kind of vulnerabilities exist. This discussion will introduce concepts such as Active Management Technology, Trusted Execution Environments, and Out-Of-Band system access.
Introduction To RATS
Introduction To Remote Access Tools (RATS) is a two-hour course designed to provide an overview of what a RAT is, how it is created, and what kinds of legal and illegal behaviors are being facilitated by their deployment.
Introduction To Shodan
Introduction To Shodan is a two-hour course designed to provide an overview of the search engine for finding devices connected to the internet. Shodan is a security researcher tool that works by scanning the entire internet, locating and parsing banners, and then returning this information to the user. Shodan is an excellent tool to familiarize yourself with if you do not have the infrastructure or tools necessary to run masscan yourself. Shodan is useful in the target selection phase of an operation.
Introduction To TAILS
Introduction To TAILS is a two-hour course designed to provide an overview of how TAILS OS works, what it is good for, and when you may wish to use it. This will touch on some of the tools made available in the OS, how to try it out, and some of the events surrounding the system. This focuses mainly on the TAILS project proper.
Social Media Safety
Social Media Safety is a 30 minute class on managing your digital foot print to enhance security while also bringing awareness to some of the issues that social media can exacerbate.
Introduction To Tor
Introduction To Tor is a two-hour course designed to provide an introduction to Tor, uses for anonymous browsing tools, and why privacy matters. It will focus on the practical uses for Tor, how others may attempt to unmask you, and why tools like Tor are applicable to the public.
Introduction To I2P
Introduction To I2P is a two-hour course designed to provide an introduction to I2P, uses for anonymous browsing tools, and why privacy matters. It will focus on the practical uses for I2P, how others may attempt to unmask you, and why tools like I2P are applicable to the public.
Introduction To Freenet
Introduction To Freenet is a two-hour course designed to provide an introduction to Freenet, uses for anonymous browsing tools, and why privacy matters. It will focus on the practical uses for Freenet, how others may attempt to unmask you, and why tools like Freenet are applicable to the public.
2017 Round Up
The 2017 Round Up is a two hour course that provides an interesting recap of what has occurred during the year 2017 in relation to cyber security related incidents.
Introduction To Holiday Security
Introduction To Holiday Security is a two hour course focused on preparing you for the holiday season. We discuss how to avoid some of the holiday stresses that come with trying to navigate during the holiday. We also discuss what to do in the event you are victimized.
Introduction To Defensive Databasing
Introduction To Defensive Databasing is a two hour course focused on developing the skills necessary to understand best practices for protecting again SQL injection as well as other database related vulnerabilities.
Introduction To Defensive Programming
Introduction To Defensive Programming is a two hour course focused on developing the skills necessary to understand best practices for software development. This is not an introduction to programming class but is instead focused on helping the student better understand software related security and how the programmer is the first line of defense. Even non programmers can benefit from this course without issue.
Introduction To Dark Markets
Introduction To Dark Markets is a two hour discussion on how commerce is conducted on the shadier parts of the internet. This discussion will include the how information, drugs, and other illicit material is moved around the internet, who is doing it, and some of the motives involved. It will also discuss some of the markets and their longevity or lack there of.
Introduction To Operational Security
Introduction To Operational Security is a two hour course that provides an outline of how to manage privacy, data security, and data assurance. We will discuss the tools and techniques used by professionals to manage their online presence.
Introduction To Exploits
Introduction To Exploits is a two hour course that provides a rough outline of the tools and techniques used to gain illicit access to computers and is designed to educate individuals about the dangers posed by the software they may use.
Introduction To Privacy
Introduction To Privacy is a two hour course that provides a rough outline of the tools and techniques that can be used to assist an individual in enhancing their privacy and becoming more aware of the liberties they are trading in return for convenience.
Introduction To Cyber Reconnaissance
Introduction to Cyber Reconnaissance is a two-hour course focused on providing learners with a gentle introduction to the tools and techniques used to probe and locate targets for attack.