
  • Introduction To WiFi Hacking

    Introduction To Wireless Network Vulnerabilities is a gentle introduction to the hardware and software that creates the invisible world of wireless networks.

  • Introduction To Assembly Language - Part Two

    Introduction To Assembly Language part two is the conclusion to my reverse engineering course introduction. This is part two of a multi part educational series on lower level software development and reverse engineering. Many developers and security experts are not familiar with assembly language or the lower levels of their hardware. This course is intended to begin familiarizing you with assembly language in order to build the foundation for future courses on reverse engineering.

  • How do I use Docker and Dropbox to run multiple instances?

    You may be curious how to run Docker and Dropbox to run multiple Dropbox instances on the same computer. Docker makes it very easy to interact with mutiple Dropbox accounts.

  • Introduction To Mesh Networks

    Introduction To Mesh Networks is a gentle introduction to off grid communication, the PirateBox project, and deploying simple hardware to fulfill communication locally without the internet.

  • Security Discussion - Church - March

    A one hour discussion on preparedness, terrorism, and security conducted for my church. I am the preparedness instructor and adviser for my church. We will be discussing terrorism, threats, and recommendations for safety.